As we all know, Boston was recently hit with a big ol' snow storm. To keep with the snowy theme brought on by the blizzard, Photo Nights held a photo contest for photographers to submit their coldest Boston moments. One image a day was chosen and put on our Facebook page. The photo with the most likes by the end of the contest (February 7- February 14) was the winner of a FREE portfolio ($860 value) from
Read More >The other week Photo Nights Boston received a tweet (@PhotoNightsBos) about an upcoming Pinterest photo contest. Curiosity was piqued and after a click or two we were able to get in touch with Alberta Chu of ASKLabs. ASKLabs is a documentary filmmaking company based out of Boston’s South End that focuses on science-based films. With an interest in the intersection of science and art Alberta feels there is “a spark that happens when these two areas come together.” Hence, the creation of Blur Art + Science Pinterest contest.
Read More >Thanks to everyone who submitted images to the Photo Nights Boston summer photography contest! It was a difficult decision but we managed to pick some great photographs! We would also like to announce the winner of two free tickets to the Peabody Essex Museum: Haydn Ady!
Read More >The board of PNB hopes that everyone is having a safe and wonderful summer! As one of the best seasons of the year, for weather, outdoor activities and not to mention the much needed vacation, the summer months tend to produce some of the most prolific imagery. Whether you’ve been capturing lazy days, tremendous get-togethers with your friends and family or just the usual day-to-day that catches your eye, these photographs give a glimpse into our cultural pass time and the spirit of our fellow Bostonians.
Read More >Thanks to everyone who submitted images to the Photo Nights Boston spring mobile photo contest. Although it was a very difficult decision (there were so many stunning images!) here are our favorites.
Read More >With the mild winter we just had, it seems almost too good to be true that spring has sprung in Boston. In celebration of the fresh flowers and sunshine, Photo Nights Boston is hosting our second Mobile Phone Photo Contest! We want to see your spring-inspired pictures of the seasonal happenings around the city, or anything that reflects the beautiful Boston weather.
Read More >Here are the winners of the first Photo Nights Boston mobile phone contest! A huge thank you to the photo community– we are thrilled with the reaction and the amount submissions we received.
Read More >Great photographs don’t just have to be taken with top-dollar equipment, and photo ops happen on a day-to-day basis in Boston. Show off your skills with your camera phones in Photo Nights Boston’s Mobile Phone Photo Contest. Pick your personal favorite scenic Boston pictures from around the city taken with your phone, and send them to [email protected]. We will pick our four favorites, and winners will not only receive photo credit on our Facebook and blog, but will also receive the esteem of fellow photographers around the city!
Read More >2013 festival an interview artist spotlight artweek camera eye workshops coldest boston moments community contest creativity dana mueller digital photography dispatch doug levy education employment event events exhibit exhibition flux boston focus on friends of photo nights boston friends of pnb fundraising glenn ruga on social documentary griffin gallery griffin museum griffin museum of photography inside out inspiration instagram interview iphoneographer kickstart your wedding lensprotogo michael seamans new england portfolio reviews panopticon gallery photo contest photo gift guide photographic resource center photography photography atelier 17 photorama pnb events pnb information prc press projects resources review snapshot tips wedding photography